No more poppycock from the Hoppy Cooks. It was time to go directly to our beloved muse: Beer. So after much research and some helpful inspiration from friends (a very special thanks to our winemaking, beer brewing pal, Beth) and heavenly help, Trigomes Brewery was born. Our unstoppable thirst for knowledge through experience (the good old scientific way) has lead to us to tasting time for our second brew and almost the end of the fermentation of the third.
We started with a beer kit that kindly generated the California Gold Rush 90-day IPA. We later evolved into our Tantrum IPA, a nice double IPA, with recipe formation help from our friends at Barley and Wine. The Tantrum ended up being a good high volume IPA but didn't quite meet our standards for an amazing double. We are certainly learning as we go, and the lack of aroma in this batch is encouraging us to make dry hopping a big priority in the future.
Lucky number 3 will be named either Vesuvius or Psoas IPA. With the suggestion of our experienced friend, we used the same yeast from the Tantrum, fresh and so happy that it was enough to make a bit of an explosion in the fermenter as you can see below.
A fine farewell for now and more goodies to come as soon as hopossible...
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